Ponencias en 2023:
- J. R. Castón; "Structure and assembly of fungal dsRNA viruses”; 8th European Congress of Virology 2023; Dansk, 2023.
Ponencias en 2022:
- A. Guerrero-Martínez; "Advances in Ultrafast Pulse Laser Irradiation of Metal Nanoparticles". NanoSpain 2022; Madrid, 2022.
- A. Guerrero-Martínez; "Development of nanoalloys by ultrafast laser irradiation". XXXVIII Reunión Bienal RSEQ; Granada, 2022.
- A. Guerrero-Martínez; "Colloidal metal nanoparticles under ultrafast laser pulses". IX Iberian Meeting on Colloid and Interfaces _ RICI9; Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 2022.
- A. Guerrero-Martínez; "Organization of plasmonic nanoparticles at different dimensionalities". ECOF17; Universidad de Córdoba, 2022.
- J. M. Valpuesta; "Cryoelectron microscopy: a revolution in structural biology”. 4th ELECMI International workshop.; Barcelona, 2022.
- J. M. Valpuesta; "Advances in Molecular Biology by young researchers abroad”. 30 Years of Networking at the CNB. XXX workshop; Madrid, 2022.
- J. M. Valpuesta; "La Biofísica en España: la Sociedad de Biofísica de España (SBE), el BIFI y más cosas.” 20 aniversario del Instituto de Biocomputación y Física de Sistemas Complejos (BIFI).; Zaragoza, 2022.
- J. M. Valpuesta; "Molecular chaperones in protein homeostasis”; Barcelona Protein Aggregation Training School; Barcelona, 2022.
- J. M. Valpuesta; "Structural mechanism for Tyrosine Hydroylase inhibition by dopamine and reactivation by Ser40 phosphorylation”; PICO 2022; Kaastel, 2022.
- J. M. Valpuesta; "What cryoelectron microscopy can do for you?”; WP9 workshop. Plataforma de Antivirales.; Valencia, 2022.
- J. R. Castón; "Cryo-EM structure of Yadonushi and Yadokari viruses”; 3rd Nanobiocargo Symposium on Design, Development & prodduction of nanocarriers & nanovehicles; Madrid, 2022.
- J. R. Castón; "Inside the capsid of L-A dsRNA virus of Saccharomyces cerevisiae”; 14th International Double-stranded RNA virus symposium; Banff, 2022.
- J. R. Castón; "Mechanical disassembly of viral cages probes the interaction of single stranded RNA and coat proteins”; NanoSpain conf 2022; Madrid, 2022.
- J. R. Castón; "Virotecnología estructural: determinación de la estructura atómica y propiedades físicas de los virus para su uso en diversas aplicaciones biotecnológicas”; Seminarios en Virología, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, 2022.
- Francisco Monroy Muñoz; “Active gels"; Max Bergmann Symposium, Desden, 2022.
- Francisco Monroy Muñoz; “Artificial transcription in lipid containers"; 3rd Nanobiocargo Symposium, Madrid, 2022.
- Francisco Monroy Muñoz; “Bacteria as an active particle"; RICI IX, Santiago de Compostela, 2022.
- Francisco Monroy Muñoz; “Chromatine as an active poroelastic system"; 8th Iberian Biophysics Congress, Vizcaya, 2022.
- Francisco Monroy Muñoz; “Microscopia Termodinámica"; SPAOM, Salamanca, 2022.
- J. Pérez-Gil; "Breathless membrane games as played by pulmonary surfactant proteins"; 66TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BIOPHYSICAL SOCIETYY, 2022.
- J. Pérez-Gil; "Differences In composition, structure and biophysical performance in clinical surfactant preparation"; APS 2022 (EUROPEAN ACADEMY PAEDIATRIC SOCIETIES), 2022.
- M. A. Prieto; "Cupriavidus necator H16 as a cell catalyst for the transformation of industrial wastewater effluents into polyhydroxybutyrate-co-lactate"; Biocatalysis for the biological transformation of polymer science; EFB Biocatalysis Division and the EFB Biobased Materials Division, 2022.
- M. A. Prieto; "Functionalization of plastic materials with antipneumococcal lysin Cpl-711 using a poly-hydroxyalcanoate affinity tag"; 17th International Symposium on Biopolymers (ISBP), University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, 2022.
- M. A. Prieto; "Producción de la bacteria depredadora B. bacteriovorus HD100 en biorreactor: del laboratorio a la industria"; VIII Congreso Nacional de Microbiología Industrial y Biotecnología Microbiana (CMIBM’22), 2022.
- L. Sánchez; "Self-assembly of non-planar scaffolds. Unraveling the mutual monomer orientation in supramolecular polymers"; Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore (India); 2022.
Ponencias en 2021:
- A. Guerrero-Martínez; "Ultrafast laser interacion with plasmonic nanoparticles". Universidad de Santiago de Compostela; Marzo, 2021.
- A. Guerrero-Martínez; "Optimized gold nanoparticles for biomedical applications". SBAN - 2nd Spanish Conference on Biomedical Applications of Nanomaterials; Madrid, 2021.
- J. M. Valpuesta; "The structure of human Tyrosine hydroxilase reveals the mechanism for feedback inhibition”. /th International. Iberian Biophysics Congress; Junio, 2021.
- J. M. Valpuesta; “My experience in the cryoelectron microscopy resolution revolution: two case studies". Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CIB-CSIC), Madrid; Junio, 2021.
- J. M. Valpuesta; "Molecular chaperones: nanomachines involved in proteostasis”. Biochemistry webinar series de CIVIS; Aix-Marseille Université, 2021.
- J. M. Valpuesta; "Thirty some years of cryoelectron microscopy.” Bioforum 2021.; University of the Basque Country, 2021.
- J. M. Valpuesta; "The power of cryoelectron microscopy in the fields of structural biology and cell biology”. XIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Biología Celular.; Madrid, 2021.
- J.R. Castón; "Bacterial encapsulin and human a2-macroglobulin as potential nanobiocargo containers "; 2nd Symposium e-nanoBIOCARGO, 2021.
- J.R. Castón; "Near-atomic resolution cryo-EM structure and AFM analysis of bacterial and viral protein cages"; Seminar Series of Department of Molecular & Cellular Biochemistry, 2021.
- J. Pérez-Gil; "Biophysics and function of pulmonary surfactants: what does the clinician need to know?"; 15TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON PEDIATRIC AND NEONATAL MECHANICAL VENTILATION (EPNV), 2021.
- J. Pérez-Gil; "Studying the interfacial delivery of drugs by pulmonary surfactant on a lung-on-chip model”; 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOLOGICAL BARRIER, BIOBARRIERS, 2021.
- J. Pérez-Gil; "Pulmonary surfactant protein SP-B promotes intermembrane connections that facilitate endosomal escape and cytosolic siRNA delivery by SP-Bdecorated nanoassemblies"; 43º CONGRESO DE LA SEBBM, 2021.
- J. Pérez-Gil; "A mechanistic model of pulmonary surfactant protein SP-B "; 7TH EUROPEAN JOINT THEORETICAL/EXPERIMENTAL MEETING ON MEMBRANES (EJTEMM 2021), 2021.
- J. Pérez-Gil & M. A. Prieto; "Polyhydroxyalkanoate nanoparticles and the pulmonary surfactant barrier"; 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOLOGICAL BARRIER, BIOBARRIERS, 2021.
- Francisco Monroy Muñoz; “Propagation events emerged in active poroelastic media"; JEMBO 2021,2021.
- Francisco Monroy Muñoz; “Lipid nanoparticles for gene therapy"; ICTAM 2020+1, Italy, 2021.
Ponencias en 2020:
- J. Pérez-Gil; "Mecanismos moleculares y biofísicos en la superficie respiratoria: salud, enfermedad, terapia"; Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla; Puebla, México; Febrero, 2020.
- J. Pérez-Gil; "Unraveling the molecular and biophysical mechanisms at the respiratory surface to design the therapies of the future"; Dpt. Biochemistry and Dept. Neonatology; University of Miami; Febrero, 2020.
- J. Pérez-Gil; "Adsorption kinetics of pulmonary surfactant complexes purified from bronchoalveolar lavages of porcine lungs and human amniotic fluid"; 12 EBSA, 10 ICBP-IUPAP BIOPHYSICS CONGRESS; EBSA, 2020.
- J. Pérez-Gil; " The role of surfactant in lung homeostasis and disease"; SMARTNANOTOX International Online Conference, 2020.
- J. Pérez-Gil; "Polyhydroxyalkanoate nanoparticles and the pulmonary surfactant barrier"; 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOLOGICAL BARRIER, BIOBARRIERS, ONLINE, 2020.
- J.R. Castón; "Biophysical characterization of human picobirnavirus capsids"; 28th Europhysics Conference CMD2020GEFES, 2020.
- M. A. Prieto; "Desarrollo biotecnológico de polímeros"; Conferencia de Productos Biotecnológicos útiles para el humano y la Industria, Programa Bacteriología y Laboratoria Clínico; Colombia, 2020.
- M. A. Prieto; "Producción de bioplásticos de origen bacteriano"; Seminarios Universidad de Alcalá; Madrid, 2020.
- J. M. Valpuesta; “My experience in the cryoelectron microscopy resolution revolution: two case studies"; Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CIB-CSIC), 2020.
- J. M. Valpuesta; “Structural mechanism for Tyrosine Hydroylase inhibition by dopamine and reactivation by Ser40 phosphorylation. "; PICO 2022, Kaastel, 2020.
- Francisco Monroy Muñoz; “Lipid nanoparticles for gene therapy"; JICI V, Universidad de Zaragoza, 2020.
Ponencias en 2019:
- J. M. Valpuesta; “Una historia estructural de proteínas"; Universidad de Cantabria. Febrero, 2019.
- J. M. Valpuesta; “Structural studies on the eukaryotic chaperonin CCT"; Instituto de Tecnología Química e Biologica (ITQB); Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Noviembre, 2019.
- J. M. Valpuesta; “An introduction to prefoldin”; Workshop "Advances in the R2TP/URI-Prefoldin complex in cancer“; CNIO; Octubre, 2019.
- J. M. Valpuesta; “La chaperona Hsp70, una nanomáquina capaz de realizar muchas tareas”; Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Septiembre, 2019.
- J. M. Valpuesta; “Fundamentos de miroscopía electrónica y criomicroscopía electrónica”; Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Septiembre, 2019.
- J. M. Valpuesta; “Structural and functional analysis of the role of the chaperonin CCT in mTOR complex assembly”; 7th Workshop CSIC-CNRS; Madrid; Julio, 2019.
- J. M. Valpuesta; “The power of cryoelectron microscopy”; XXVI Jornada de Biologia Molecular; Barcelona; Junio, 2019.
- J. M. Valpuesta; “Structural and functional analysis of the role of the chaperonin CCT in mTOR complex assembly”; Intitute of Chemical Bioology Colloquium in CryoEM for Drug development; Imperial College; Mayo, 2019.
- L. Sánchez; "Chiral Supramolecular Polymers: An overview"; Mini-symposium on FUNCTIONAL Supramolecular Materials; CSIR-NIIST; India; 2019.
- L. Sánchez; "Thermodynamics, kinetics and pathway complexity in supramolecular polymers"; International Conference on Supramolecular Chemistry; CSIR-NIIST; India; 2019.
- L. Sánchez; "Supramolecular polymers from pi-conjugated scaffolds. Building up functional supramolecular polymers from carbonyl-bridged triarylamines"; Symposium on the Emerging Topics in the Interdisciplinary Sciences; IACS; India; 2019.
- L. Sánchez; "Transfer, amplification and configurational stability in supramolecular polymers"; XXXVII Bienal de la RSEQ; San Sebastián; 2019.
- L. Sánchez;"Polímeros supramoleculares. Estructura y función de materiales complejos"; MIQO. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Madrid; 2019.
- A. Guerrero-Martínez; "Molecular Thinking for Nanoplasmonic Design"; Open University; London; 2019.
- A. Guerrero-Martínez; "Optimzed Gold Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications"; SBAN; Instituo de Materiales CSIQ; 2019.
- A. Guerrero-Martínez; "Las múltiples caras de una nanopartícula de oro"; Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores de la UCM; Universidad Complutense de Madrid; 2019.
- M. A. Prieto; "Engineering bacteria to produce added value biomaterials from waste"; Frontiers in Biomedical Polymers; 13th International Symposium; Tenerife; Mayo, 2019.
- M. A. Prieto; "Producción sostenible de plásticos mediante procesos biotecnológicos"; XIII Congreso Anual de Biotecnología Universidad CEU San Pablo; Madrid; Julio, 2019.
- M. A. Prieto; "Polyhydroxydyalkanolate metabolism in Pseudomonas"; 2ND Minisymposium of the GRK1708- Bacterial Storage Compounds; Germany; Julio, 2019.
- M. A. Prieto; "About how to functionalize mcl-PHA particles with peptides and alive cargos"; 10th European Symposium on Biopolymers (ESBP-2019); Germany; Septiembre, 2019.
- M. A. Prieto; "Bacterial NanoCellulose-Polyhydroxyalkanoate hydrogels with antimicrobial capacity against Staphylococcus aureus"; 4th International Symposium on Bacterial Nanocellulose (ISBNC-2019); Portugak; Octubre 2019.
- J. R. Castón; "Near-atomic resolution cryo-em structure and afm analysis of bacterial and viral protein cages"; Bridging biomedical and nanotechnology applications; Bilbao; Noviembre, 201- 9.
- J. R. Castón; "Near-atomic resolution cryo-EM structure of Brevibacterium linens encapsulin"; Joint Congress of the Portuguese and Spanish Microscopy Societies, MFS-2019; Granada; Septiembre, 2019.
- J. Pérez-Gil; "Unraveling molecular and biophysical mechanisms at the respiratory surface under health and disease to keep baby lungs open; City Hospital of New York; Columbia University; New York; Marzo, 2019.
- J. Pérez-Gil; "Translational biophysics and the development of novel pulmonay surfactant-based therapeutic strategies"; Seminario Internacional en Sanidad Animal (SISA); Varadero, Cuba; Mayo, 2019.
- J. Pérez-Gil; "Assessing and dissecting molecular mechanisms at the respiratory surface for better diagnosis and therapies; Ulm University; Germany; Junio, 2019.
- J. Pérez-Gil; "The privileged position of biologists to promote and develop truly multidisciplinar science. The example of pulmonary biology"; Conferencia invitada en el III Young Bachelor and Master Biosciences European Student Congress; Madrid; Julio, 2019.
- J. Pérez-Gil; "El futuro del surfactante pulmonar"; Conferencia Plenaria invitada para clausurar el XXVII Congreso de Neonatología y Medicina Perinatal y VII Congreso de la Sociedad española de Enfermería Neonatal; Madrid; Octubre, 2019.
- J. Pérez-Gil; "Structure-function relationships and molecular mechanisms of pulmonary surfactant proteins"; National Center for Working Environment; Copenhague, Denmark; Noviembre, 2019.
- J. Pérez-Gil; "The pulmonary surfactant system as a target and a vehicle for delivery of drugs and nanomaterials"; Dept. of Pharmacy, Copenhague University; Denamrk; Noviembre, 2019.
- J. Pérez-Gil; "Lung surfactant and the establishment of a dynamic nano/respiratory biointerface"; Conferencia invitada en el Symposium “Debugging Nano-Bio Interfaces to Promote Clinical Traslation”; Mainz, Alemania, Diciembre, 2019.
- J. Pérez-Gil; "Combinando biología y física para ayudar a los recien nacidos a respirar"; Centro Penitenciario Madrid IV-Navalcarnero; Diciembre, 2019.